Contact Gavin[email protected]
Hire GavinTry using this link to see if our expectations match; it might save you some time. is new to me, so if it's not working, or you think it's making a bad call, or you prefer to contact me directly, please email or message me through LinkedIn.
Gavin's timeJuly 27th, 2024 10:56 CEST
(in Luxembourg, where he usually is)
Gavin is🐝 Awake and industrious
(but that's just a guess)

About allenap

a.k.a. Gavin Panella

Contact Gavin[email protected]
Hire GavinTry using this link to see if our expectations match; it might save you some time. is new to me, so if it's not working, or you think it's making a bad call, or you prefer to contact me directly, please email or message me through LinkedIn.
Gavin's timeJuly 27th, 2024 10:56 CEST
(in Luxembourg, where he usually is)
Gavin is🐝 Awake and industrious
(but that's just a guess)

I’m an independent software developer. I’ve been coding away, doing this for a couple of decades, but it started for me when my dad bought a ZX Spectrum in the early 1980s and I typed in the programs from the manual.

My school had a room of Acorn Electrons and BBC Micros which I used a lot, especially for BASIC… and games. Later they had Acorn Archimedes which were mind-blowing at the time. I upgraded to an Amiga 500, another great machine. Looking back, it was a transformative moment in history to live through, especially as a kid.

These days I’m interested in functional programming from the strict to the pragmatic, like Haskell, Elm, Rust, and up-and-comers like Roc. I know MySQL and SQLite pretty well but I usually reach for PostgreSQL when I need a database. I think GraphQL is neat.

I did a few years as a “serverless” developer, coding in TypeScript. That’s a cool language even if it’s not my favourite. JavaScript is its raison d’être, but it’s also compromised by that JavaScript legacy.

Python was my first proper love, but years of building large applications showed me its limitations, and we grew apart. I had been lured away by type systems and functional programming, Elm especially.

I’ve worked with Ruby, Elixir, Perl, and others. I have written way too much shell script, especially Bash. Go is a thing that I can do, but I don’t rate it highly; I have opinions.

I live in Luxembourg with my two teenage children. I speak English natively, basic French, a touch of Luxembourgish – and I’ve reached 100 day Duolingo streaks for German and Turkish 🏆

Cycling is awesome; we should do more of that.